Thursday, February 08, 2007

Loituma Girl (aka Leekspin)

Featured on mental_floss as "Viral meme all your friends already know about", Leekspin is an audiovisual braincracker of extraordinary magnitude.

Let me emphasize my belief that mentalfloss's warning "Do not, repeat, do NOT click on this link if you actually have something even slightly, vaguely important to do today, or if you are at all worried about maintaining your sanity." is putting it far too mildly!

Tell me how long you kept it spinning.


Eric said...

Pikachu637 on Newgrounds just submitted a remake today!

budd. said...

Whoa! Eric, you typed that along time ago and I didn't even see it. Thanks for the support, man. :)
You should also check out some of my most recent Flash Animations. :DD

budd. Again... said...
